The School Family Council (SFC) meets every third Thursday of the month during the school year. We discuss and develop plans to improve student achievement, ensure quality programs, enrich family and community engagement, and help our school achieve its greatest potential.
In accordance with Baltimore City Schools that each school maintains a SFC, we work to provide a space where all stakeholders can come together to discuss the future of CCB.
SFC duties include:
Analyze school achievement data and school needs as they relate to the school’s improvement plan.
Review the fiscal objectives of the school’s draft budget and advise the principal before the budget is submitted to the Superintendent.
Participate in the hiring process of the school Principal and other administrators of the school by conducting interviews of candidates and reporting on such interviews to the Superintendent of Schools for the school district and the local and regional Board of Education.
Assist the Principal in making programmatic and operational changes to improve the school’s achievement.
Develop and approve a written school parent involvement policy that outlines the role of parents and guardians.
Work with school administrators in developing and approving a school compact for parents, legal guardians, and students that outlines the school’s goals and academic focus identifying ways that parents and school personnel can build a partnership to improve student learning.
SFC Bylaws (English) / (Spanish)
Feb.2022 Meeting Minutes (English) / (Spanish)
Mar.2022 Meeting Minutes (English) / (Spanish)
Apr.2022 Meeting Minutes (English) / (Spanish)
May.2022 Meeting Minutes (English) / (Spanish)
Jun.2022 Meeting Minutes (English) / (Spanish)
Sept. 2022 Meeting Minutes (English) / (Spanish)